Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Junior Triskelions - A milestone in frat history

Struggling from the effects of Martial Law which suspended all fraternal and organizational activity within the collegiate levels and the arrests of all militant students, the Fraternity decided to stay low to avoid being tagged as a subversive group working for the Communists out to destabilize the government, although a lot of its members went underground and took up arms to join the New People's Army, the armed paramilitary group of the Communist Party of the Philippines, in the mountains and jungles. These developments temporarily freezed the recruitment of new members, and without fresh bloods to replace the old ones, these resulted in the dwindling down of membership population, due to graduating members or just simply dropping out of school.

The Fraternity's Metro Manila Regional Council at that time, led by Secretary-General Atty. Ramoncito "Monching" Ocampo, explored the idea to tap the younger generations. They decided to recruit in the High School sector. This gave birth to the "Junior Tau Gamma Phi" or better known as the "Junior Triskelions", founded at San Beda College - High School in 1975, where Triskelion Boyet Gorospe was one of the founders. The rationale behind this is, to be able to solve the recruitment problems in the collegiate levels since these High School students will eventually graduate and attend college in the future. This initiative was both simple and effective but the recruitment problem was somehow solved. A milestone in fraternity history in the Philippines, the Tau Gamma Phi was the first fraternity to have high school students as equal members. When other fraternities learned about this successful fraternal venture they followed suit.

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