Wednesday, December 3, 2008

History of the Fraternity

Tau Gamma Phi also known as the Triskelions' Grand Fraternity, is a fraternity founded at the University of the Philippines, Diliman on October 4, 1968. Besides being the largest, most cohesive and dominant fraternity in the Philippines, the Tau Gamma Phi is also a protest fraternity, and as such it has committed itself uncompromisingly to the twofold task of providing the leadership in the quest for a Fraternity System devoid of fraternity violence as well as in the propagation of the Triskelion principles as a way of life. The Fraternity System in the University of the Philippines was not immune from these external developments. As extraordinary times, called for extraordinary breed of men. The year 1968 saw the wielding together of six concerned student leaders with a vision of introducing feasible changes and appropriate reforms in the feudal and decadent nature of the existing Fraternity System. Then the result was the creation on October 4 of the same year of the UP Triskelions' Grand Fraternity, better known as Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity.

Through the years, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity has never strayed from its goals, and although the cause of which it has chosen to champion has proven to be difficult and sometimes, seemingly hopeless, as it is sucked repeatedly into the void of fraternity violence that it has fought hard to end. The Fraternity has, nevertheless survived and even increased a thousand-fold in strength and in number. Knowing fully well that peace is a product of strength and not of weakness. Where other fraternities with the same noble intentions failed and succumbed into non-existence by adopting a passive stance against fraternity violence; the Tau Gamma Phi has chosen not to follow the same path. Lest it suffers the same fate.

Furthermore, as a manifestation of its sincerity towards the achievement of such goal, the Fraternity has taken an active role in organizing inter-fraternity alliances in the various schools and universities all over the country in the hope that such alliances will provide the conducive atmosphere where fraternities can slowly grow and mature together in fellowship and mutual trust by respecting each other's philosophies and ideals. "De gustibus non desputandum est - of likes and dislikes there should be no disputing, live and let live", this is one of the guiding principles of the Triskelion.

Today, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity is already the biggest and most cohesive fraternity in the Philippines. It boasts of membership numbering to about eighthundred thousand including community chapters known as the Triskelion Youth Movement or "T.Y.M." It maintains numerous college and university chapters around the country, and now with Triskelion Alumni Organizations (T.A.O.) in all regions of the United States of America and other continents of the world.

Tau Gamma Phi's vision and mission is to serve and excel in all fields of human endeavor. Thus, a way of life in accordance with the Tenets and the Triskelion Codes of Conduct while empowering the principle: "Man is Brother unto Man". All Triskelions share a common ground and that is to support every endeavor each member has chosen and help make every member's dream come true.

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